Fun weekends for Conscious people

The next Real Awake Weekend is ✨ 2nd Aug 2024 ✨ Hertfordshire ✨ 25 people

A group of 25 people, will spend a magical weekend, relaxing, making friends, participating in workshops and activities, near Knebworth in Hertfordshire. This is the 7th Real Awake Weekend. Please note, this is a camping event. Bring your own tent. There are no cabins / pods. 

We'll spend our time relaxing, doing workshops, ceremonies, eating, dancing, sitting in the Hot Tub, making friends for life, and having lots of fun.

It's half retreat, half social.

It's an opportunity for Adults to focus on themselves, it's not open to children

As always, expect

• Awake / Conscious people

• Fire Pit / Hot Tub

• Ceremonies / Circles

• Medicine Music / DJ

• Games / Workshops

• Food / Walks

Key features:

• An equal mix of Men & Women

• Age range 20-50

• No Children

• No Dogs

• Alcohol Free/Sober

The reason the price is affordable is because we all get involved and contribute skills, activities, workshops, music.

The participants are the facilitators, the facilitators are the participants. We co-create the experience together.

There are no volunteer / crew / exchange places. This creates a unified atmosphere. Everybody is there as an equal group of friends.


During lockdown, Real Awake started as parties for un••••inated people.

Since then, the focus has shifted away from activism, towards positivity, community, healing, and creating the world we want.

We welcome people who carry good vibes, who don't take themselves too seriously, and aren't going to lecture others about politics. 

The Real Awake Community are spiritual people who want to have a fun time, do activities, let their hair down, and chill with other good people. 

The weekend contains a lot of variety and balance. A mix of food, music, socialising, ceremony, talks, and retreat style activities.

There's a strong sense of family and teamwork. Everybody brings different skills and talents to the weekend. 

Memories, friendships and bonds are made. 


I am very grateful to join Real Awake. Ben really did an amazing job by organising and prepping everything, and he really looked after us. It was a great environment to meet other likeminded and beautiful souls. I had a lot of fun, the vibe was very chilled out and deep at the same time, and it was great place of connection. I can't recommend it enough.

Lots of gratitude ❤️🤗


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2023


I don't even know how to express what a wonderful, healing, special weekend we just had. I am so grateful to have met you all and I know this is only the beginning of a very special soul tribe journey. Thank you to for the beautiful workshops, the delicious food, the healing conversations and to Ben for creating a space where we had the freedom to be authentically and expressively ourselves.

I can't wait to deepen relationships with everyone. I'm still tingling this morning with all the love and energy! Sending so much love to you all


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2023


It was such a healing weekend.

Lots of a-ha moments.

I loved being in a group of like minded people on the path.

It’s the only way I feel - for our own evolution - to be with souls that support, uplift and grow with us.

It's so exciting to have this.

Thank you Ben for bringing us all together. You are very talented at this, and thank you everyone for all your gifts and teamwork in the house, and for making my birthday extra special. One to remember always.


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2023


What a lovely gathering!

20+ beautiful souls in a peaceful location. Very heartfelt and inspirational. Gorgeous house, hot tub, and surroundings. Great food, and intriguing lighting. A weekend of sharing hearts and gifts. Very nourishing and soothing for the soul. Thank you


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2023


I knew Real Awake would be beautiful because Ben, its creator, is an awesome being. But I was still so struck by the warmth of that beauty. Stepping into the weekend was to step into a haven. Laughing one minute, crying and hugging the next… delicious foods, magical cacao, hot tub, dancing, jamming, meditating and more. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to spend time with such kind, inspiring people and hope to come back again for more.


Real Awake Weekend ✨ Nov 2023


Real Awake really holds very special medicine for me. There is something about having it as a 'casual' social weekend, mixed in with deep work, facilitated by those you are socialising with, that brings a sacred experience of community. I cry more there than anywhere else, I laugh more there than anywhere else. I play and I stand strong. I am seen and I make friends for life. It’s more than a retreat, it’s a tribe. Awen


Real Awake Weekend ✨ Nov 2023


Real Awake has given me the gift of self-reflection in a beautiful, safe space with the most loving people I have ever met.

I have been to three events, and each time, I have felt so privileged to share space with such amazing people.

I have nothing but admiration for this beautiful creation and its creator and all those who attend who become joint creators.

A truly transformational experience. With love. Thank you


Real Awake Weekend ✨ Nov 2023


I'm super grateful to have joined the November 2023 Real Awake Weekend. It was the perfect mix of deep and playful as well as meaningful and enjoyable! The venue was great - Ben always finds good venues. The other participants were beautiful humans and I made some magical new friends from all over the UK. I highly recommend finding your way to a Real Awake Weekend and joining us for a deeply connective, memorable and transformational community experience!


Real Awake Weekend ✨ Nov 2023


I’ve been going to the Real Awake events since the beginning. The space created is perfect, deep, open and honest with everyone contributing their gifts and talents. The highest praise I can give is when nobody wants to leave at the end and everyone leaves having gotten exactly what they need.


Real Awake Weekend ✨ Nov 2023


I had a wonderful time with you all in beautiful Coed. It’s so nice to spend time with such warm, loving people and feel wholly supported and connected. I’m

so glad to have met you all and hope to see you soon. Thank you❤️

Thank you Ben for having me and being so welcoming! It’s very special what you’ve created and I’m grateful to have experienced Real Awake.

I came with an open mind to the retreat and had new experiences and conversations which have had a profound effect on me. These are things which have inspired me and which I will take with me into my life.

I really enjoyed the sense of community that was created and the programme having a balance of workshops and free time, and the space to laugh and cry, and to share and receive. Real Awake allowed me to relax and reconnect with my body and spirit and to connect deeply with others, I’m so happy and grateful for this! 💓


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2024


It’s been a wonderful Real awake gathering, my 4th time participating in this conscious cocreated retreat. I’ve been held safely and I feel much more relaxed and myself. It was the best preparation for my next retreat that involved plant medicine. 🙏🏻


Real Awake Weekend ✨ March 2024

Application Form

The next event will be 2nd to 5th Aug 2024. Hertfordshire.

Please register your interest, and speak to Ben as soon as you can

It's a Google form. If you have arrived here from facebook, it might ask you to log in to Google. Open this link in your web browser instead, where you will probably already be logged in. 

Here is an example of the last event

The values are

• Balance

• Being Yourself

• Bonding

• Celebration

• Clarity

• Community

• Compassion

• Connecting

• Creative Self Expression

• Dancing

• Emotional Healing

• Enjoyment

• Fun

• Honesty

• Humility

• Humour

• Listening + Being Heard

• Medicine

• Personal Growth

• Progressing

• Relaxing

• Respect

• Spirituality

• Thriving

• Variety


The Real Awake ticket price is kept to a bare minimum and only aims to cover costs. It has been as low as £125 in the past.

Coed Hills is a renowned retreat space, and a magical location. The ticket price has been set according to the venue cost.

General Admission - £180

• Full Payment

Payment Plan - £180

• (3 X £60)

• 1st Payment on booking

• 2nd Payment 1st July

• 3rd Payment 21st Jul

• This is a camping event. Bring your own tent. There are no cabins / pods

• Lunch + Evening Meals are included

• Bring your own snacks, drinks, teas, coffees, treats / deserts, breakfast ingredients.